Pre-Production Cards Arrive!

The pre-production cards for Split the Hoard arrived this morning and I can’t express how excited I am to see them. This is the first time I’ve seen all the elements brought together and I’m so happy I am with everything!

I’m delighted with the artwork, I love the red and black images, and the new iconography and overall finish look so polished. Every stage of this process has brought a huge high, from pitching to signing, to development, but seeing my game so close to what it will look like in production is massive. I can’t thank the team at EN Publishing for all their work to make this happen.

If you’d like to see Split the Hoard in action I’ll be at Airecon and UK Games Expo this year demoing every day. Alternatively, if you’d like to hear when the game goes live, sign up here.


New Games Dec 2023 (part 2)