GDJ1 (Game Design Journal)

I’ve been a member of the board game design lab community on Facebook for a long time, bought the book last year, but only recently started listening to the podcast. I’m 20 episodes in and already I’ve been encouraged, challenged, enthused, and inspired.

I’m also a little sad to know there are only 300-odd episodes.

The latest episode I listened to was Gabe interviewing Chris Rowlands and at the end of the episode, they challenged listeners to get something out there. I’m several years late (and definitely won’t be winning the prizes), but in response to the challenge I’m starting a game design journal for the game I’m just starting work on, and this is the first entry.

Called “The Council” for the moment, the game’s thematic inspiration comes from Babylon 5, a show I’ve been a huge fan of for many years.

The plan is to create a game that is competitive, but where players may have aligned or overlapping goals.

Each player takes on the role of an ambassador with their own personality quirks and strengths, supported (or not) by their homeworld, with allies (or not) among the other worlds, and more or fewer resources at their disposal.

Players try to complete schemes to adjust their own or other players’ standings on these elements to strengthen their place in the Council as well as to support, disrupt, or claim credit for the schemes of others. The decisions in the council affect everyone but may be more or less vital depending on a player’s objective. I hope to be able to create the opportunity for in-game player bartering of votes as well.

That’s it for now, more soon.


Split the Hoard


Deadline Looming